Don't Assume Your First Reflection Is Right
This was the first "breakthrough" I was having during my break from social media. It made me pick up the shovel, because I was not going to let it go down like that.
Work ON Instead of IN Your Business
I talk about the mistake I was making by working a lot in my business.
Why I Took A Break From Social Media
Social Media can be really beneficial, but just like anything it also has downsides if you misuse it.
Do You Need A Right Hook?
Majority of the ideas I am coming up with, are more jabs than right hooks... but do you need a right hook?
Start With What You Like
3 weeks ago I really didn't feel like doing anything, I had no ideas, no inspiration.. I was overthinking everything. I was looking too hard at a solution..
Give It Time
In this blog I talk about the law of reversed effort and why you have to give yourself time.
Keep It Simple
In this blog I talk about what happens when you over complicate things and why you should keep it simple.