Do You Need A Right Hook?


Majority of the ideas I am coming up with, are more jabs than right hooks. Jabs being gaining awareness. Whereas the right hook is the selling of a product or service, which drives business results.

It’s great if the jabs are going well, but you can jab all you want but if your right hook is not there.. then what are your jabs worth? To talk in actual business language. It’s cool if you grow your awareness, but if you don’t do anything with it, then it remains just awareness.

With awareness opportunities always come though and I know that. But the entrepreneur in me feels like I need something more concrete to work towards, whether that be a product or a service. And it’s okay if this takes time, but I need to feel like I am moving in a direction on a business level that drives direct results as well. As otherwise I may start asking myself what the jabs are for and lose my focus.


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Start With What You Like