Work ON Instead of IN Your Business


See your brain as the CPU in your computer. It can only do so much, although I do believe you can increase it’s power, but that takes time.

I want too much, too fast. Working 10-15 hours a day and then also wanting to be able to solve more complicated issues. I wasn’t able to do for myself what I do for others.

I was so busy working in the business, that I didn’t really got to work on the business as much as I wanted to or felt like I had to.

Now that I am taking more time for myself, I get to work on building healthier habits. I get to think about what to focus on. Think about what to optimize to save time. Think clearer about all the things that will make me and DW grow. I have to work more on my business and myself, instead of spending all my time working in the business.


Don't Assume Your First Reflection Is Right


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