Why I Took A Break From Social Media


Every minute you spend on something, is a minute you can’t spend on something else. That sounds really logical, but it can be easy to forget.

What reminded me of that, was that I had no headspace to do things that are important if you want to grow. Which I think was mainly due to working a lot, including working a lot on Social Media. My phone’s screen time alone was 6 hours a day. Not to even start about my pc’s screen time. I was creating and editing the content, posting it, engaging with people about it, but also constantly checking Social Media.

I became aware of it, I noticed how noisy it was, but also how much you actually stay on the surface when consuming through Social Media. It becomes tough to have good focus and to go in depth when you do want to learn for example. it becomes tough to be present and thoroughly enjoy things.

I watched The Social Dilemma, which confirmed many things I already knew and I decided to make some changes. I decided to mostly stop creating and posting content for myself for the time being.

I want to spend the time thinking about what I actually want myself. I want to try to get closer to the real me and listen. With all the noise of social media that can be really hard to do. We have to try to be thoughtful with how we spend our time, because you can only spend your time once.


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