Start With What You Like
Figuring out what you want to be doing can be pretty hard. They say “try things”, which they are definitely right in, but it is easier said than done. Because where do you start? Start with what you like! But what do you like? Don’t you sometimes have these moments that you just don’t know what to do? Lately I for sure do.
A question I like to ask sometimes is: What would you do if you could do or be anything you want. Some people come with a whole list, me? Blank. It’s a good thing and a bad thing.
So what do you do when you don’t know what you want to be doing? Honestly, I don’t know. I think we have to give ourselves the time. It may take an hour, it may take a day, it may take a week, who knows, maybe even longer. But eventually you will feel like doing something. I started to feel like watching inspiring stuff. Because I heard Jay Shetty recently saying that inspiration is like hunger. You have to continue feeding yourself.
So I started watching movies on Netflix like The Social Dilemma, The Social Network, Minimalism, The Pursuit of Happyness and I am looking for more of these inspiring and entrepreneurial movies and series. Some of which I have already seen. Like Better Call Saul, Bob Odenkirk plays a real hustler in that one.
I enjoy watching these things, they motivate me and more importantly they inspire me. Perhaps, there is an opportunity there. As I can’t be the only one.