Always Stay True To Yourself

Always stay true to yourself header

Past while I have been overthinking my plans. I have always been playing the long game, but with the start of building a marketing agency I started to deviate from that strategy because I felt that pressure. I felt like I had to force growth, look for people to hire & look for clients. But this is setting yourself up for failure.

I believe so much in building your own personal brand, helping people, creating new connections, building a community and providing value to others. Which will then lead to opportunities you may have never even thought of. But the past 2 weeks I started to get impatient due to me feeling bad when people asked me how things were going. Now I have to admit, I am hard on myself and hold myself to high standards.. so when I say I am still at the same position as 6 months ago, it is actually not true, but it does feel that way to me.

So the plan right now is to go back to what I do best and focus on that. Focus on documenting my story, continue to gain knowledge and share that knowledge through my content. Continue to build the brand, play the long game and keep eyes open for opportunities. I shouldn’t feel rushed, I shouldn’t feel pressured to do things when it doesn’t feel right to do yet. It is not the recipe to success, it creates stress and probably.. it only pushes success further away. Always stay true to yourself.

*- DWstevie


Impatience or Something Else?


Losing My Direction