Impatience or Something Else?


I was phrasing my difficulties as being impatient, but what if it is not impatience?

Since I started this journey three years ago, looking back I have actually been catching a lot of green lights. I have never really admitted that, I’ve always seen it as normal. I was always looking and working for the next thing, in the hope that was bringing that fulfillment and happiness. The dissatisfaction in that pursuit, I was calling impatience. Which implies that if you are patient and your pursuit is successful and you reach the next thing, you will be happy. But was this the case with the things that I achieved previously? The answer is no.

When something was achieved, it gave me that short burst of happiness and then I got accustomed to whatever was achieved. Why would this rat race ever stop? Perhaps it is not impatience, but actually the realization that it is not about the destination but about the journey itself? What are the extra achievements, money, followers, status for? What value do these things bring to you, do you really need it or are you told you need it?

*- DWstevie


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