This will be 2019

We entered a New Year, some really see that as "New year, new chances". I don't to be honest, nothing is going to change until you make a change. Waiting till a certain date to make a positive change, is dumb. You have to be changing constantly, because circumstances change constantly. Which might be in a financial way, but mainly mentally. So you have to keep working at it to be able to reap the rewards.

2019 is going to be the year of structure for me.

We all have 24 hours in a day, we may sleep 6-8 of them, it is about what you do with the 16 hours that you are awake. Sometimes I felt like I was productive or rather busy, just has to do with poor structure. To be able to scale, it is not about putting in more work, because there is only a limited amount of time in a day, but it has to do with how efficient you are. By having more structure, I hope to waste less time and become more efficient. Having more focus, being able to regain focus quicker when taking a day off or after having spent time elsewhere.

Okay done with the talking, let's actually start with bringing more structure by just listing down goals I have set. I am genuinely still pretty poor at setting goals as I never really did that before.

Pilar goals:
- Spend more time with friends and family
- Create more structure
- Positivity -> keep that mindset right (gain confidence main one!)
- Study more poker and put in more volume
- Consistent flow of content
- Continue to inspire and motivate people
- Continue to grow the community

Lot of those pillars play into each other as I mentioned before. Those things are really tough to meassure though, which may not great as people recommend setting definite goals.

So maybe I should also set some results goals as I would like to call them:
- I just want to be able to go out for dinners, drinks... with friends and family way more often. At the end you earn money to be able to do things that you enjoy, best is when you make money doing what you enjoy and luckily I do. But spending your success (and losses!) with others is majorly important for, to be honest us human beings. If you could do everything you wanted and had everything you ever wanted but you are on planet earth alone... I don't believe you would have a good time. So more social life in 2019 and make more friends.
- 5K games played, I really need to put in more volume and bullshit around less.
- Maintain 8bb/100 winrate
- 20 streamer league nights
- 1 study session on stream each month, preferably with guest
- 5 pieces of content on socials each week
- 5 study posts in discord each week
- 1 blog update each week
- 30 hours streamed each week
- 5 min meditation each day
- RaiseYourEdge course completely subtitled* work with poker site (just more collaborations in general, not really a goal but more something that I would love to happen so we can make even more impact)
* 200 Twitch Subscribers
* 15K followers Twitch (I really don't know what to expect with followers on any platform and I also don't really care as they do not represent influence/impact at all)
* 2K subscribers Youtube
* 3K followers Instagram
* 1K followers Twitter

I think those goals should be able to set me up for success, it is important like I said to continue to adjust them and I definitely will. Curious to hear what you think!


Afraid to fail


This was 2018