Patience, patience, patience
Another week has passed and not too much has changed. Grind has been really tough but everything else is doing great! Team DW starts to feel more and more like a family, everyone's blogs are amazing and really inspiring to read.. instagram is doing great, be sure to follow me btw @DWstevie! You may have noticed, well I have, that in my blogs I am less structured/planned lately. I am still getting a lot done, but I haven't been setting too many goals, monthly, weekly, daily... and I think that is a mistake. I think it is really easy to get uninspired, unmotivated when that is the case. As it's tough to bear in mind all the time where you are going, what you are doing it for, what to focus on, when you are actually working.
The coming 2 weeks is going to be really messy. So it's going to be important to not lose myself, although I may somewhat have already but I am aware of it now, so time to get things back on track. Tomorrow I've got the funeral of my grandmom, so there is not going to be a stream. Today and yesterday I felt pretty bad, fever-ish, so wasn't as productive as I like to be. Saturday I will be playing the €560 WPT Warm-up in Amsterdam, which is a 2 day event and if I enjoy it may play some more events. Lots of friends of the stream will be around and it's also nice to represent myself on the live felt now and then. So having that in mind, sleeping schedule may be at stake but also focus, productivity and all those fancy words.
So it's going to be important to stay with myself. Write down what I want to have done by the end of the week, make sure I work structured to not only save time but also to keep the mind clear. So I will continue to put out clips each and every day on all socials. Continue to provide value in discord, engaging.. may go live on Instagram during the WPT, that could be cool. But main thing, is going to be patient.
I caught myself comparing to really big names, it really doesn't matter to who you compare yourself. Never compare yourself to anyone but you. Comparison is the thief of joy. Patience, patience, patience. Know what you are doing it for, know what you have to do for that, do that. Enjoy life, enjoy the little things. That was a note to myself.