Know What You Are Working For

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I actually wanted to write a blog about something else, but I got reminded by a conversation I had with someone the other day. We were catching up, talking about what we were both up to and we both were looking to do things we actually enjoyed doing. In my opinion work has to be enjoyable. You spend so much of your life on work and what for? What are you hoping to get out of it?

I personally feel like it’s a shame to be working just to get by. I understand I have never been in that position myself, I just believe there is more potential. Wanting it, is just not enough. You have to have a burning desire, you have to know exactly what you want. So you can plan your way to achieving it, it’s almost like the way is being shown to you, but only if you really want it to. This is a concept being explained in Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill.

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, a burning desire to possess it.”

Napoleon Hill

Facilitate the experiences

My vision is, sorry for repeating it again for everyone who reads all my blogs, to connect with like minded people and together do cool stuff and achieve things greater than we could have individually. I want to enjoy life and it’s just more fun if you can share those experiences with others and help people along the way.

And here is the catch of this blog. You may think you need to get to X to start enjoying things, you are at X and then you look at okay what’s next? And this goes on and on and on, that you forget about what you truly want. Right now I enjoy building up my socials, building my company, helping my clients.. but at the end all of that is to facilitate the experiences to enjoy.

The other day I went paintballing with some friends, we were driving and I said.. man.. this is not something to take for granted. It is not normal to be able to just do those things, to be able to make your own schedule, have the freedom to go wherever you please (although COVID complicates things) and be able to afford it. I really started to be grateful for the experience, I am already accomplishing my goals, but I wasn’t aware of it. I am digging winning. That was bad, lol, I know.

So let this be a reminder. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Don’t forget WHY you are on the journey in the first place. Maybe you already have what you desire, but you are not aware of it. Be grateful of the things that you have and continue movin’!


I see work as you getting paid for a duty and it is up to you to decide whether what you get out of it (mostly money) is worth your time, stress, pain whatever.

And then the next question becomes, what do you need the money for? Maybe you don't have to sacrifice as much as you are for that money, maybe you can do it with less.

And that is what I came to notice, I don't need a million dollar company, a million followers or whatever to already accomplish in my vision.

I am still trying to do that, because it allows me to help more people enjoy their lives as well, which gives me more joy too. And I always try to make the most of something. But I also realize, I can already enjoy it before I achieve those greater goals.


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