Don’t Make This Mistake With Your Folder Structure
I have been spending a long time today thinking about optimizing our folder structure. Certainly not something that is exciting, but something that I felt like was important to make it easier to onboard new clients and team members.
At first we had a lot of unnecessary parent folders. We had a client folder, which consisted of the assets and content folders. The content folder was then divided in a graphic and video folder. These folders then consisted of multiple categories.
The result is having to click a lot to get somewhere and when it falls under multiple categories.. what do you do? You could create a shortcut but it is just unnecessary to have so many folders. So don’t make this mistake!
Right now when you enter the client folder, you see all categories right away and we reduced them by making them less specific. Each category consists of individual project folders.
This way it is easier to find our projects. Tomorrow I will be figuring out the best folder structure and file naming of the projects.