Improve By Doing, Not By Debating

Is what you spend your time on as important as the amount of time you spend on it?
You can debate hours and hours over the color of your post, what font to use, the title of it and not to forget what thumbnail to use?
The gain is very often not worth the squeeze.
The time you save on debating all these things, you could spend on making another piece of content. Which will very often show a higher ROI. Not to forget that what is good, is subjective.
Improve by doing, not by debating.
Of course not every blog is going to be as good as the other one, just like every day is not going to be good as the other.
It is great if you want to help other people, but first you have to…
Almost everyone floats along, but is that the right thing to do..
I think we have to break out of this cage if..
Do you make some decisions too quickly and others too slow?
Projects can always go wrong, mistakes happen, accidents happen..
It is not that I don't enjoy the things I do, it is more that..
If you want to be successful at whatever you want to do really, there is no shot you will be if you are using this excuse.