Focus Party Focus
February, last year certainly the month of chaos and unproductivity. Found it tough after a great January to continue on full speed and lost even more focus because of my Birthday.This year, so far results wise also pretty bad, but that is also it. I took Thursday-Sunday off the grind, Thursday because I wasn't feeling too well and the other three days to spend with family and friends.
Friday I first had to visit the barber, had a really bad night of sleep and had my own party in the night so spend the afternoon chilling, taking a nap and preparing for the night. Party was a lot of fun, had a good time, went out in Amsterdam as well and got home at 04:30, nice!
Saturday I was surprisingly enough also very tired, wonder why. But I had another Birthday to celebrate, my grandma's! So another day of eating and chilling with family, don't mind me.
Sunday it was my actual Birthday! YAYEET! 20 years old aye... I went out shopping and lunching with my parents in Amsterdam, scored some shirts and a damn nice Argentinian steak! So that was that, had a good time off the grind but I also noticed, especially Sunday that I was drained. And I knew why, not only because I had some short nights, but also because I just wasn't productive. I was able to put out a post every single day, because I prepared all that beforehand, but other than that... I didn't do anything productive. Which is fine of course, day offs and spending time with family and friends is important as well, but as I told earlier in my blogs, I kinda just need that work. You are my oxygen. And this is where I have improved tremendously compared to last year, being able to detach from the grind but also getting the focus back really quick. Not wasting a lot of time trying to gain momentum, no, just know what I want, why I do it for and what I need to do for that.
Focus is on studying this month, results will follow again eventually!So all in all, the past week has been really hectic. Lots of things happening, lots of really cool things happening, like I said on my Instagram's Birthday post as well: "past year has been a wild ride. Grateful for all the opportunities I am being given, people like RaiseYourEdge believing in me.. yet, it is all the beginning. Hoping to continue to grow, continue to learn and continue to enjoy the journey. Thanks everyone for all the support and let’s make this year even better. Next year Vegas? Who knows!