Creating structure in the marathon

It has been a while since I have updated my blog, my apologies for that. Main reason for it has been, as silly as it sounds, that the main page of the site got wiped and didn’t want to refer to my blog knowing my site was basically just down. So I temporarily restored it and I can live with it for now, it’s good enough to update my blog at least.So as you may know I went to Lex Live 2 last month, which was a super fun trip. It was really cool to see the faces behind the names, get to know everyone a little bit better and to visit London for the first time. As always with those trips, you don’t end up seeing that much from the city, nonetheless there have been enough fun moments that I look back on with a big smile. Some of which you may see back in the vlog which will be uploaded to Youtube soon, some… which should certainly remain behind closed doors haha!

Business has been good

Since I got back, I have been shifting my focus a bit away from streaming. I used to stream 6 days a week, which I dialed a bit back to 3 days a week. The other days I don’t spend on watching Netflix, but I have been spending on creating structure. What does that mean? Well when you create as much content as I do, at some point it is tough to find stuff back. So it started to become important to work more structured, especially because I have also started building my own I guess you can call it agency. Well, what does that mean? It means taking care of client’s social media, strategizing and finding the best way for them to market themselves. So I have spent a lot of time officializing things, making sure everything is in order and create an infrastructure that allows me to take on more and lose less time by inefficiency. This of course takes especially in the beginning lots of time, creating buffers.. So you don’t have to do everything last minute.. But once everything is in place it will free up time which we can spend on other things I enjoy doing: streaming and building my own brand and continue to help people for example.

Goal is to do a bit more for myself

That sounds really selfish and it is, but to be selfless you have to be selfish first. Over the past 2.5 years, I have put so much energy and heart in creating this place. Also for Raise Your Edge I have put myself through fire, with love, as I really enjoyed doing it. But sometimes, as you have read in my previous blogs as well, you run out of juice. You catch yourself only doing things for others, not smelling the flowers while you can and at the end of the day being on your own. Read that again. We have to enjoy the time that we have, working non stop is fine, but if you then feel like watching a movie one night… then that’s okay! And I noticed, especially with the work I did for RYE, I didn’t feel okay about it when I did. So 2 weeks ago, I went out for dinner with two others, had an absolute blast and looking forward to doing more of that stuff. Same with Lex Live 2, I want to have a trip with DW at least once a year, like actually meet people opposed to talking to them online.

Anyway, may sound like I am unhappy or something, not at all. Been really enjoying the things I have been doing, especially because I have started to release that stress of constantly doing what I feel like I must be doing. Which was of course streaming non stop for example and on top of that doing all the other work. And right now I just schedule my week how I feel like it, actually experiencing that freedom.But like I said earlier, I do feel like streaming more again, mainly poker for sure. The only thing a bit lacking, is a goal in that regard. Bankroll challenge? Volume challenge? Hour challenge? Tournaments cashed challenge? I am open to suggestions.


The curse of 2nd place has been broken


The weeks before Lex Live 2