The problem.
“As an expanding company, Raise Your Edge needed to both enhance their brand reach as well as grow within their existing customer base. It all starts with a superior product, but you also need to ensure people are aware of it and the company.
Giving value is at the core of this company, so the design of how we marketed based on that was important. At the beginning it was not a succinct strategy built to utilize this core value and to target based on different platforms.
While there was consistent content, much of it was on the fly without a short, medium and long-term strategy and as mentioned, not tailored for each platform. Each item was also done separately not utilizing pillar content to build from.”
*- Raj Khatar, COO of Raise Your Edge
The solution.
We created content with a purpose and integrated more storytelling & combined it with marketing in an effective way.
This was possible by closely working together with the RYE team to optimize the creative process to create daily posts & graphics from the pillar content.
The results.
Score posts.
To add validation to the course, we created graphics to showcase results and have people share their story of how the course has helped them.
This validation has increased the amount of signups.
We created graphics to announce the translation of the Raise Your Edge courses.
As the poker market is really international and not everyone speaks English well, it was important we removed this barrier, which increased the purchases.
We also make a lot of use of cross promotion across all social media platforms.
This helps keeping the audience engaged as every platform has its own characteristics.
Youtube is for example great for long videos, whereas on Twitter you are capped to only 150 seconds.
Effective strategy.
Raise Your Edge launched a new product called Pairrd, which is a training tool focused on interactivity.
We wanted this to be reflected in the social media content, that is why we used a quiz and range example.
We combined the organic post with marketing by adding a free quiz for the audience to try, which will lead to more sign ups.